I HIGHLY suggest this to any kids and teens. (I would rather read a sci-fi book, then sit down and read a prayer journal… “Sorry God!”) But! Every now and then you will find a good journal that is interesting and good for kids and adults! I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time finding good prayer journals that interested me. I’m gonna say that up front so I don’t confuse anybody but it is an AMAZING prayer devotional that I want to read again and again! While not entirely because of this book, much (graditude:) is due.Ok, this isn’t a book. Everyone close to me has expressed seeing a change in me. However, as I finish, I feel closer to God and in the right place to begin my day. Some days, I think that the topic is not applicable to my needs at the moment. And when it does, I just rewind 30 seconds. The daily prayers are short enough to get through, without my mind wondering. ~~ This book is well written and the narration is absolutely perfect. I've been searching for it EVERYWHERE since then. I have JOY! This joy I have, has been absent since childhood. Much credit is due to the daily practice of praying with gratitude. In that time, there have been many positive changes in my life, most notably, my outlook. It's been about a year.or is it two now, that I've been using this book, nearly every day, as part of my morning routine. There was also a desire to focus on gratitude, in spite of. I started going through this book, with the idea that I'd use it to get back in the habit of praying daily. I have experienced this in my own life and now want to share it with you.

Combining prayer with God's Word is powerful. I have taken key truths from scripture and reworded them into prayers of gratitude. And so I have shared 21 prayers of gratitude with you to help you form a habit of prayer in your life.

They say it takes 21 days to form a new habit. This audiobook can help you form a habit of coming to God every day in prayer.

However, sometimes it is easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and not take the time to pray. When I pray consistently to God something changes within me.